find urself a different place. dont care where.....go go go, mentally physically. go. ur dreams are not just fantasy. dont let them be. dont look back and hope look forward and do, do. tee uh...back to being smart.....everybody who reads this should stop being old fuckers......u are old, stop lying to urself....its not gonna change or get better unless u do it right now, right fuckin now......ur responsibilities are a crutch for ur fear......all of these thoughts u think mean nothing without action, they are just thoughts, politics, or compassion, or ethics....none of them mean shit if we arent doing anything and just blogging about them.....oh doing that.......phuck!!!........well ill see u again when i dont just have to bitch/blog about it.....
p.s. if u are gonna bitch at me on the comments at least dont do it without ur name.
ben. fucker......jewtard.....b/t/w where do i find the other piece for my xbox?......
i am not old. my quest to stop losing what i love and loving what i choose to keep is the key to my freedom. this may look like meaningless responsibility to you, but to my son it means he knows his mother. i have made no excuses, only choices you on't understand, but I'll explain them if you'd just ask.
you were offended by ben's annonymous post, and yet you attempt to offend everyone with vague generalities. you continually say that don't have a problem with me, and yet you lump me into a category and stick me in a box... along with everyone else who've you have decided is against you. at least, that's how it seems, and it's impossible to tell until you start treating people like individuals. are you not attempting to protect yourself, and remain annonymous... relegating your own feelings and opinions to a nagging sense that somehow we've all let you down?
how can we know how to help if you won't ask? how can i know if you have a problem with me or not if you won't confront people individually?
i think you say everyone's old because you're afraid your youth is lost to your dissilusion.
please note that i'm not assuming that anything is about me, i'm just calling your bluff. do not we all bleed when cut?
Jewtard? That's The Sun God to you. I'll post more bitchings later and e-mail you with the info on the chip.
You're close - but skewed views misconstrue the variable virtues into misused rational in your brain. Plain to see that ageing in years is not a catalyst for tears of failure... unless you're in Logan's Run (then you die at 30)... and despite the arrogance of youth the truth is clear - our finest hour will be the next.
So where do you suppose we run to escape the chains that restrict the dream's fruition? My position is the only restriction we have is ourselves and an adversary who's powerless except by our own submission.
You can go here or there but your problem follows – you are your problem. If our dreams and visions are to ever be true then we must lay them at the feet of the One who gives us our dreams and visions. Only in Jehovah can we be made new – old fuckers revised – realized – revised – realized.
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